We were in Lincolnshire last week commissioning a bespoke #biomethane LNG refuelling station, the first of a number being installed around the country. This high-throughput site has two identical systems to accommodate the number of vehicles that draw fuel around the clock.

Each tank is fitted with loadcells to measure the tank weight. These are connected to the #FUELlink fuel management terminals to ensure that the tank stock is continuously monitored. It’s an ideal solution for gas products.
In addition to being able to control and record the gas dispensed into vehicles, a key customer requirement was to electronically record incoming LNG tanker stock deliveries and send those details to their #FUELtran fuel portal for online access.
To do this, we added driver-controlled delivery (DCD) to the FUELlink terminals. The tanker driver simply connects their tanker to the storage tank on site and presents their unique #RFID tag at the fuel management terminal. That tells the terminal to start the LNG delivery process.

During the delivery, the terminal weighs the storage tank to accurately determine the quantity of LNG being added to stock. This is displayed on screen to allow the tanker driver to monitor the delivery progress.
Once the delivery is complete, the driver signs off at the FUELlink terminal and the delivery record is immediately available at the customer’s FUELtran portal. The process is simple, straightforward and secure.
We’re already looking forward to the next site going live!